
 The third week of March

Who watched the heavyweight fight? Apparently very controversial this fight. People are not happy with the outcome. Mayor Giuliani said that he watched the heavyweight fight on pay-per-view and he said that the decision was "a travesty." That's what he said. Giuliani, by the way, is also upset because both boxers were topless.

There's a web site on the internet now that's showing, not kidding, nude pictures of Keith Richards. That's true the web site is ""

Denise Rodman is in the news. Denise Rodman hasn't shown up to play with Lakers since Saturday, because he says he has some personal issues to deal with. That's very apparently it's tough time for Rodman because he is going through menopause. I feel for him.

The Vaticans releasing a new cd that features John Pope the second reciting prayers while classical and rock music plays underneath. The Pope has a cd! I think the Pope is taking this thing a bit too far because today he announced he is having a feud with west coast rappers.

Yesterday, a federal advisory board said that marijuana is not a gateway to the use of a harder drug. However, they said that marijuana IS a gateway to spending an entire afternoon watching the Cartoon Network.

This weekend in Iowa, this sounds crazy but it's true, a several Amish teenagers rioted and were arrested for vandalizing a farm and overturning several buggies. And the worst part is the teenagers spray-painted everything with the words "electricity rules."

The Oscars, who's gonna watch this thing? Did you know this one billion people are gonna see the Oscar, isn't that amazing? That is 300 more people than watching this show right now. The winners of the oscars have already been decided, but only two people know who they are. Apparently the entertainment industry is a little bit suspicious because one of those people is Don King.

Speaking of the oscar, fashion executives say that only a few of the actresses actually returns the expensive gowns rented them by top designers. Apparently the rest of them sell those gown to Denise Rodman.

According to a brand new book about celebrity's pets, Ophra Winfery has been having trouble controlling her dog. Apparently Ophra can get her dog sit and roll over but he still won't read any of the books she recommends.