

Kathy Lee Gifford is facing brand-new charges that her clothing line is produced by under-paid sweatshop workers. Not only that, just like Regis, Kathy Lee is starting a game show called Who Wants to Work for 85 Cents a Day?


※キャシー・リー・ギフォードは、アメリカでとても有名なモーニング・トークショー『LIVE with Regis & Kathie Lee』で、リージス・フィルバンとともにホストを務めている。夫のフランク・ギフォード(有名スポーツ・コメンテータで元有名フットボール選手。現在では自身の浮気が妻にバレた事でさらに有名になった)とともに慈善事業にも熱心で、その一環として自らの洋服ブランド『Kathie Lee Collection at Wal Mart』を創設した。

This week's People magazine features Judge Judy on the cover wearing a bathing suit. When asked about it, the editor of People said they made the decision when they realized they've been selling too many magazines lately.

※判事ジュディー(本名Judith Sheindlin)は、エミー賞にもノミネートされた人気法廷番組『JUDGE JUDY』で判事を務める。1982年にニューヨーク州から家庭裁判所の判事に任命され、1996年に引退してTV界にデビューする。この番組は月曜から金曜まで毎日30分放送され、民事レベルの裁判を行っている。

In a recent interview, George Michael, famous for many things, said he wants to have a threesome Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. After hearing this, Tom Cruise was outraged and said that it's ridiculous; Nicole and I will never have sex together.


New York city transit police employed undercovered officers to find out how many toll collectors regularly say "Thank you." That's right, they found out that 78% did say "Thank you" but many of them need to work on their pronunciation of the word "Thank."
ニューヨーク市の鉄道警察は私服調査員を雇い、「Thank you」を言う改札口の職員が何割ほどいるか内偵を進めた。結果によると78%が「Thank you」を言うそうだが、その多くは「Thank」の発音に注意が必要らしい。

※おそらく、「Fxxk you」とでも言っているのでしょう。「Thank」が「Fxxk」に聞こえないよう我々も気をつけましょう。

The Salvador workers who make Kathy Lee Gifford's clothing line work 11 hours a day, 6 days a week for 60 cents an hour. After hearing this, Regis Philbin said "Yeah, but they don't have to work with Kathy Lee Gifford."

According to MSNBC--so it must be true--Pamera Anderson Lee is seriously considering running for political office. Apparently, she just wants make sure there aren't any embarrassing video tapes that could hurt her campaign.


A 17-year old Amish boy was arrested for drunk driving after he ran his horse and buggy into a police car. If convicted, the Amish youth could face the non-electric chair.


Tomorrow, the show Baywatch will be cerebrating their 10-year anniversary.To give you an idea of how long ago that was, when Baywatch first went on the air you could buy a pair of implants for a nickel.


Earlier today, police in Los Angeles arrested Jean-Claude Van Damme for drunk driving. Reportedly, the arresting officer got suspicious when he noticed Jean-Claude wasn't slurring his words.
今日未明、ロサンゼルスの警察は飲酒運転の罪でジャンクロード・バンダムを逮捕した。 なんでも、逮捕にあたった警官はジャンクロードのカツゼツが滑らかなのを怪しんだようだ。


This week, presidential candidate George W. Bush set a record by becoming the first candidate in history to raise 50 million dollars. That may sound impressive but earlier today, presidential candidate Steve Forbes withdrew the same amount from an ATM.


A Long Island man is in jail for performing home liposuction on his friend. The man said he got the idea after his friend performed home brain surgery on him.

Yesterday, after being frisked by security personnel in London airport, Diana Ross flipped out and apparently they are saying she screamed "No one touches my breast!" When asked for comment, Ross's husband said "Believe me, she means it."


New York mayor Giuliani is threatening to stop funding an art museum in Brooklyn because its exhibits features animal dong, human blood, and decomposing corpse. Giuliani said "Hey, if people like stuff like that, they can ride the subway."

Yesterday, presidential candidate George W. Bush unveiled his plan to modernize the military. Under a Bush's plan, all military aircraft will come with the bumper sticker "I'd rather be partying." --'cause the say he uses coke--now I'm being sued, right?
