

Jennifer Lopez and Sean "Puffy" Combs were arrested the other night. It was reported  this morning that because of this incident Jennifer Lopez might break off her romance with Puffy. When reached for comments Lopez said that while she sorting things out, she needs to keep Puffy at "ass" length for a while.


 大学時代には起業家精神が芽生え、パーティーの主催やキャンパス内のコンサート企画などを手がける。さらに大学を2年で中退し、ニューヨークのUptown Recordsにインターンとして入社。社長に気に入られたパフィーは1年もしないうちに販売部門の副社長へと昇格。1991年には、自分が企画したチャリティー・バスケットボールで暴動が起き9人が死亡するという自身にとって初の挫折を経験。しかし、その後も彼の躍進は止まらず、Mary J. Bligeなどをプロデュースして大成功を収める。
 その後、自身のレーベルを創設し、Notorious B.I.G(本名 Christopher Wallace)を手がけ成功するが、Notorious B.I.Gは後に暗殺されてしまう。これは西海岸ラッパーたちとの抗争が原因と見られ、暗殺の前年には抗争相手側のTupac が暗殺されている。しかし皮肉にもパフィー自身の人気が暗殺後に急上昇し、暗殺との関連を疑う声も上がった。
 今回の事件は12月27日未明Club New Yorkで発生。一般客とのいざこざが原因でパフィーの取り巻きが銃を発射し、3人を負傷させたらしい。検察側によるとパフィーも発砲したとの目撃証言があるものの、未だ起訴されていない。恋人のジェニファー・ロペズは現在大ブレイク中の女優/ボーカリストで、大きなお尻が有名。

It was reported today that the Bible was the book of the millennium selling over 2 billion copies. Apparently, it wasn't selling at all until Oprah recommended it.

Monica Lewinsky said that she has lost 31 pounds on a new low-curb diet. Yeah, which when you think about it this is actually a good diet for Monica since she never had any problems finding sources of protein.

George W. Bush had a quote today: he said that if elected president he would not object if a guest wanted to light up and smoke at a state dinner. Bush says he only hopes that they have the courtesy not to hog the crack pipe.

Yesterday Minnesota governor Jessy Ventura said he will not support Pat Buchanan in his bid for the nomination in the Reform Party. He had a reason; Ventura expalined  "I'm sorry but Buchanan's ridiculous views conflict with my ridiculous views."


Of course Millenium--this is getting hard to believe--it's one-day away and as a result hundreds of flights are being canceled due to fears about Y2K. Apparently, glitches are expected to lead such chaos that it may even cause airlines to find people's luggage.


It was reported today that in the past few months Linda Tripp--we all know and love her--this is what she had: she had a nose job, a chin tack, neck reduction, and liposuction. Not only that, now she is taping conversations in Dolby stereo.


Brittany Spears said recently that even though she is a Christian she is not ashamed of her body. And I was thinking about it: unfortunately for Brittany, the first thing people notice about her body is the part God didn't create.
