

Keith Richards showed up unannounced  last night at a concert in Central Park. As a result, twelve thousand people called the police and reported finding a body.

The police man who busted George Michael for lewd public conduct in that bathroom a while ago is now suing the rock star, claiming he suffered "sever injury and shock to his nervous system." Not only that, he still feels kind of sticky.


Miss America pageant may be postponed due to Hurricane Floyd, and everyone connected to the pageant may have to be evacuated. Amazingly, all 51 contestants have been offered shelter at the White House.


Before Floyd passes through New York, it is expected to drop as much as 10 inches of rain on the city. Unfortunately, if we get too much rain, New York is in real danger of losing its distinct urinary smell.

In Louisiana, police are looking for an out-of-shape man who's been robbing local businesses while wearing a cheerleader outfit and pigtails. The police said "Be on a look out for anyone who looks like Brittany Spears in 20 years."


Kevin Costner is reportedly very upset with some of the changes that the studio made to his new movie, including--he's very upset about this--they edited out a scene where Costner shows his penis. He's particular upset because the original title was "Hey, check out my Johnson!"
ケビン・コスナーが新作映画の編集具合に腹を立てている。とりわけ、彼のナニが映ったシーンをカットされたのが気に入らないらしい。ま、原題は『僕のムスコをCheck it out!』 だったからな。
