

In the paper, according to a poll in today's New York Post, president Clinton was chosen the second most evil person this millennium and Hirary was chosen the sixth most evil. After hearing about it, president Clinton was outraged and said "That's ridiculous. She should be second, I should be sixth!"

According to a new report, a national report, America's large cities need better teachers. I think this could be true because the report concludes "The teachers teach no good."
国内の調査によると、アメリカの都市部では優秀な教師が不足しているそうだ。それを示すかのように調査レポートはこう締めくくられている「The teachers teach no good(先生、教える下手です)」

The game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" has been so amazingly successful that ABC is going to extend the show another week. Now other ABC shows are jumping on the band wagon: for example "Spin City" will now be called "Who Wants To Nail Heather Locklear?"
ABCはクイズ番組『Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?(めざせ億万長者)』が大好評のため放送延長を決定した。同局の他番組もこのチャンスに便乗し、コメディードラマの『Spin City』では番組名を『Who Wants To Nail Heather Locklear?(口説けヘザー・ロックリア)』に変更したそうだ。

※『Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?』は、リージス・フィルバンが司会の人気クイズ番組。問題に正解すると獲得額が増え、途中で止めることも自由だが最後まで全問正解すると100万ドルがもらえるらしい。ヘザー・ロックリア(写真左)は、元トミー・リーの奥さんで、現在はボンジョビのリッチー・サンボラと結婚している。写真右は『Spin City』の主役を演じるマイケル・J・フォックスです。


According to a brand new poll in USA Today, senator John MaCane is now the leading Republican candidate in the New Hampshire primary. After hearing about it, George W. Bush put up a very brave front saying "You know, if this doesn't work out I can always turn back to drugs and alcohol."
USA Today紙の最新調査によると、ニューハンプシャーでの予備選はジョン・マケイン上院議員が共和党の最有力候補らしい。これを聞いたジョージ・W・ブッシュは自信を持ってこう明言した「仮に私が選挙で失敗しても、酒とドラッグが慰めてくれるさ」

The other night Janet Jackson called the police and reported that four men have been haunting her. And Jackson told them the men's name are Jermaine, Tito, Randy, and Jackie.


It turns out that the person who has been collaborating with Hirary Clinton on a new book about the White House has also written a book about sexually transmitted disease. The strange thing is that the research for that book was also done at the White House.

Earlier tonight, the million dollar Jackpot on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" was won for the first time by a guy who works for IRS. Oddly enough the guy won the million dollars, right after asking Regis "Who wants to be audited?"
今晩、『Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?(めざせ億万長者)』で初の百万ドル獲得者が登場した。この男性はIRS(国税庁)の職員らしい。なんでも百万ドル獲得は、この男性が司会のリージス氏に向かって「Who wants to be audited?(国税調査はいかが?)」と言った直後に決定したらしい。

The prime minister of Britain, Tony Blair announced that his wife is four month pregnant. After hearing the news, president Clinton sent along his congratulations and an alibi.

This week in Tampa, Florida, hundreds of exotic dancers flooded a city council meeting to protest a ban on nude lapdances. They reached an odd compromise: lapdances are still illegal but now they are allowed to sit city council meetings.