

At the White House yesterday, president Clinton read the story "The Night Before Christmas" to a group of school children. Then afterwards to a group of "adults" he read the story "The Night After Hillary Leaves."


In a recent interview, Kate Moss said that next year she wants to get pregnant. Moss said "I'm curious to know what it's like to be eating for one."


The other day in Michigan, a woman went into labor -- and get this-- the baby was delivered by her 11-year old son. The baby is perfectly healthy but the 11-year old boy says  he has the worst case of coodies ever.

※「coodies」は子供たちが使う言葉で男の子側からは「女菌」、女の子側からは「男菌」という解釈になる。親が子供に異性と距離を置かせるために「女(男)の子はcoodiesがついてるのよ」といって教育するらしい。coodiesつきの異性に触ってしまった場合は、「Circle Circle Dot, Dot, Now I've got my coodies shoot」というおまじないで退治するそうです。

Joe Frazier's daughter wants to fight Muhammad Ali's daughter. Not only that Mike Tyson's daughter wants to "bite" Evander Holyfield's daughter.


Time magazine has decided to give its "Man of the Year Award" to the founder of Amazon.com Jeff Vezos. Time magazine told Vezos that the were going to send him the award but it may be out of stock and could take 4-6 weeks.

In a Sports Illustrated interview, Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker made several racist comments about New Yorkers and he said that he can walk down a block in Times Square and not hear one word of English. Actually I was thinking about it; I have a feeling now he can't walk down a block in Times Square.


Once again NASA has sent up a crew to repair the Hubble Telescope. When asked about it, president Clinton said "Believe me there is nothing worth than having a telescope that doesn't work."


Rolling Stones apparently, they just announced this: they were the highest earning band of the 90's growthing over 750 million dollars. Of course that number is inflated because it includes their social security checks.

According to a survey in Red Book magazine, 50% of adults expect to be making love at the stroke of midnight on millennium eve. To make sure that happens, most guys aren't going to start making love until one minute before midnight.
