
11月第2週 (スタジオをいつものニューヨーク市からロサンゼルスに移動しての収録)


Very cool to be here and a lot of people have been asking me why are you guys in Los Angels. Folks, the reason that we're taping in L.A. this week, to be perfectly honest, is because it's November sweeps and NBC wanted us to do something that would get higher ratings. So basically it comes down to this: it was either doing this or Andy and I had to exchange a lesbian kiss


Very expensive moving our show to Los Angeles; you know this week it is costing NBC 250,000 dollars. Of course, 200,000 of that is just for my sunbrock.


I guess a lot of people here are from Los Angeles seeing this show; no one would fly into this thing. You did? Oh, how sad. No, that's nice of you. Thank you, mom. I heard about this: a few years ago, correct me if I'm wrong, Los Angeles started building a subway system and apparently it's catching on a little slowly. They are trying anything to increase ridership, in fact their new slogan is "Now with New York Urine."
この会場は地元の人がほとんどだと思う。こんな番組を見に飛行機乗ってくる人なんていないもんな。え、キミそうなの?ご苦労なこった。いやいや、感謝してるよママ。ま、それはともかくこんなハナシを耳にした。ロサンザルスでは数年前に地下鉄を建設したんだが利用客が伸び悩んでるらしい。そこで利用客増加作戦として、新しいスローガンは「今ならニューヨークの小便付き!」 らしい。


(wild cheer) You should know, folks, the reason they are so excited is just before the show Andy and I went around and gave each person in the audience a free lapdance. (wild cheer) I know how to quiet you down: I'm gonna tell some monologue jokes. That'll get things little quiet. During an  Internet chat the other night, president Clinton said that in the future world leaders will have to deal with "miniature weapons of mass distraction." After hearing this, Hirary said "He already has a miniature weapon!"

This week 9 California condors raised in captivity were released into their new home, the Grand Canyon. If you try to spot the birds the California condors are the ones with breast implants.

At a benefit the other night, Kathie Lee Gifford said that in her next life she wants to come back as Rosie O'Donnell. Meanwhile a spokesperson for the rest of the country said if Katie Lee gets another life, they don't want to come back.

コメディー女優。1962年、ニューヨーク州生まれ。18歳で大学を中退しコメディーの世界に入る。彼女が10歳の時に母親が死に、それ以来、四六時中テレビを見て過ごしたらしい。現在は2人の養子と暮らし、NBCで『The Rosie O'Donnell Show』という番組でホストを務めている。

Al Gore is coming under heavy criticism because his advisor Naomi Wolf is in favor of teaching masturbation and promoting oral sex. As a result, president Clinton said he was drawing his support for Al Gore and will now campaign for Naomi Wolf.

フェミニスト作家。サンフランシスコ生まれ。猛烈なフェミニスト支持者で、The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women (1991) (美的イメージがいかにして女性に不利に利用されているか)とFire With Fire: The New Female Power and How to Use It (1993)(新たな女性パワーとその利用法)が世界的にベストセラーとなる。アル・ゴアの選挙戦では、女性層の支持を獲得するため彼女が起用されたが、逆に女性の反感を買っているらしい。