

There is a new controversial advertisement out. I don't know if any of you saw this, but Bud Light has a new ad campaign that says "Be yourself" and it shows two men holding hands. Unfortunately, those men could only "be themselves" after drinking twenty Bud Lights.

There's a new book out that I am interested to get. True story. It's a book that gives explicit details about Abe Lincoln's sex life. You can read about it. Apparently, president Clinton was antislavery but pro-bondage.

The Tony nomination came out yesterday, and everyone was shocked and surprised because Nicole Kidman wasn't nominated. When asked to comment, Kidman said "My husband is not gay!"

1967年、ハワイのホノルル生まれ。ハリウッド女優。主な映画出演作にピースメーカー(1998)、バットマン・フォーエバー(1995)、誘う女(1995)など。また、デイズ・オブ・サンダー(1990)で共演したトム・クルーズと同年に結婚するが、自分たちの子供をつくらずに男女それぞれ1人づつを養子にする。1998年後半には舞台劇『The Blue Room』にてヌードを披露し話題になったが今回のトニー賞ノミネートには至らなかった。1999年ノミネート作/俳優についてはこちら

The other day, John Bobbitt was arrested for stealing from a clothing store. Reportedly, Bobbitt told the judge that he forgot to pay--he said "Hey, I'd forget my penis if it wasn't sawn off."


President Clinton is in trouble again. In Washington court room yesterday, Kathleen Whilee--remember her, she is sort of accusing president for a while--testified that in 1993, president Clinton touched her breasts, kissed her on the mouth, and put his hands up her dress. When asked about it this morning, president Clinton said "I have to admit that does sound like me."

In Detroit yesterday, Al Gore made a speech concerning the future of the American auto industry. Reportedly, Gore made a one slip when he referred to car as "my fellow machines."

A group of protesters who are very unhappy with the rapid expansion of Starbucks have been repeatedly smashing the windows of a Starbucks in Maine. Customers say it's been really inconvenient because several times they had to use the Starbucks across the street.


Apparently, there's a brand-new museum in Washington that's devoted to the history of drugs, and when you go to this museum you can see bongs, rolling papers, and several bags of marijuana. Reportedly, museum is doing well but the snack bar is doing even better.


After 60 years in broadcasting, Hugh Downs announced that he is leaving 20/20 and retiring from television. Downs said "I'm too old to be on 20/20, and I'm too young to be on 60 Minutes."
放送界で60年間活躍してきたヒュー・ダウンズは、今シーズンで『20/20』のアンカーマンを辞めテレビ界から引退すると発表した。ダウンズはこう言っている「20/20をやるには歳をとりすぎた。でも60 Minutesには若すぎるかな」


In an recent sex survey, 40 percent of Americans said that, during love making, their partner's satisfaction is their priority. The other 60 percent said "What partner?" Little autobiographical joke for you there...
最近のセックスに関する調査によると、アメリカ人の40%はセックス中にパートナーの満足感を重視しているらしい。いっぽう、残りの60%はこう言ったそうだ「は?パートナー?」  僕の自伝的ジョークでした・・・


Big weekend is upon us; Sunday, in case you didn't know, is Mother's Day. You're all gonna remember your moms? I have a little Mother's Day fact, which is interesting. An recent survey, this is true, moms said that their favorite thing to do on Mother's Day would be to spend a quite day at home with their families. Moms said their second favorite thing to do would be to hang out backstage with Metalica. Or, is that just my mom? She has a problem...
さあ、日曜日は母の日だ。ちゃんと孝行してあげよう。最近の調査によると、母たちが母の日にしたいことのベスト1は家で家族とくつろぐことだそうだ。なんでも、2位はバックステージでメタリカとジャレ合うことらしい。僕の母だけかな... 彼女ちょっと飛んでるからな。


Monica Lewinsky is in town. She is in New York right now. She is probably in the audience tonight. It was in the paper today, all over the New York press, after she showed up at a New York night club last night, a huge barroom brawled and bottles were thrown. Afterwards Monica said "I wasn't scared. I feel right at home under a table."

※大統領執務室の机の下所属、モニカ姉さん。どうやら今週、コメディーショーのサタデー・ナイト・ライブに出演してクリントン大統領との情事をギャグにするらしい。モニカ姉さんも世間に忘れられないよう仕事を選びません(姉さんの職業は何?)。この辺は落ち目女優がヘア写真集を出すニッポンと同じようで。それから、余談ですがモニカ姉さんにはファンもいるようです。って、どんなファンなんだよ!「I LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!あなたの生き方(やり方)が好きです」なんてこと言うのだろうか?ファッション誌にもモデルとして登場してるし、もしかしたら始めからあんな風に有名になること計算して大統領の机の下にもぐっていたのかもしれない・・・

Dennis Rodman is in the news again. I love when he is in the news; it makes my job easier. Denise Rodman settled out of court with a collage student who claims he was injured when Rodman budding him in the chest. The student said "The chest budding wouldn't have been so bad, but Denise was wearing one of those pointy Madonna bras.

A New York man is suing a owner of a dog because he claims the dog bit him in the crotch, and eliminated his sex drive. In a related story, earlier today, the dog was purchased by Hirary Clinton.
