
John Wayne Bobbitt is back in the news. John Wayne Bobbitt announced that he is starting a new career as a stand-up comedian. Apparently, he does a great impression of Jack Nicolson with half a penis.


This week Nevada's famous brothel is closing its stores for good. In fact, all last week they had a sign up wihch says "Going out of business. Everyone must ho."

※ 「Everyone must ho 」は「Everything must go(みんなもってけ!)」のシャレです。

This morning Luchiano Pavarotti was in Rumania to watch the solar eclipse. Afterwards Pavarotti said "I can do that."


Martha Stewart has announced that her company is going to go public and start selling stock. Reportedly each share is handmade and to be easily turned into a doily.


Apparently, Kathie Lee Gifford has been spotted being extremely rude to flight attendants and people are speculating it's because her husband had an affair with one. Yeah, which explains why Hirary Clinton is rude to every woman on the planet.


This week, president Clinton presented former president Ford and Carter with the presidential medal of freedom--I didn't know this but that's the highest honor for an American citizen. And sadly the second highest honor for an American citizen is appearing on Wheel of Fortune.


In Illinois, a nun has been arrested for spray-painting violent graffiti. When asked why, she said she feels that nuns have been  losing their tough-guy image.


Hirary Clinton is considering buying a 7-bedroom home in suburban New York. Reportedly, Hirary will use one bedroom and her husband will use other six.

Dalai Lama has a new book out that gives advice on how to spend the millennium. The odd part of the Dalai Lama's advice is to get a bunch of hookers and fly to Vegas.

Movie theaters across the country are reporting that a lot of people are throwing up during the movie The Blair Witch Project because of the shaky hand-held camera. But what no one has explained is why a lot of people are throwing up during Runaway Bride.
全米の映画館は映画『The Blair Witch Project』の上映中に多くの観客が嘔吐していると報告している。手持ちカメラで撮影された揺れる画面がその原因らしい。だが解せないのは、なぜ映画『Runaway Bride』で嘔吐する人が多いかだ。

※『The Blair Witch Project』は低予算のホラー映画ながら、この夏、全米で興行的に快進撃を続けている。急激なカメラのパンや揺れるキャメラワークのせいで多くの観客が嘔吐しているらしい。
 『Runaway Bride』はジュリア・ロバーツとリチャード・ギアが主演のラブコメディー。第2の『プリティーウーマン』を狙ったものの、評判は芳しくないようです。

According to an article in The New York Post, it's often faster to walk in New York City than it is to take a city bus. A spokesman for the transit authority said "You know, New Yorkers don't take the bus for the speed, they take the bus to get felt up.