

It's very hot out there for April. In New York today it reached 90 degrees. Apparently, the heat was so bad that it wiped out the Mayor Bloomberg's marijuana crop.

A new video of Osama Bin Laden has surfaced. It's a video where he is dressed more casually and he is sitting by a mountain stream. And a really odd part is that it's a Coors commercial.
オサマ・ビン・ラディンの新映像が公開された。映像では、オサマがカジュアルな服を着て、山あいの小川でたたずんでいる。妙なことに、これはクアーズ ビールのCMらしい。

It's been reported that the actor hired to replace Nathan Lane, in The Producers, has been fired because, the sources say, "He is not funny enough". All I can say is "Thank god, NBC doesn't have that policy".
ブロードウェー ミュージカル『ザ・プロデューサー』では、ネーサン・レーンの後釜になった俳優がクビになった。関係者によれば、この俳優は「あまり面白くない」らしい。ホッ、僕はNBCで助かったよ。

This week in London, a 90-year old woman became one of the oldest people ever to successfully run a marathon. Reportedly, the woman completed the marathon in just under 12 years.

Sally Jessy Raphael released a statement, saying that she recently discovered that someone is selling fake autograph photos of her on the Internet. But the really odd part is that somebody is buying them.


This week, an Iraqi man was awarded a 16,000-dollar court settlement because he was repeatedly called Osama Bin Laden at work. The really strange thing is that the man's real name is Saddam Hussein.

In a new interview, Kathie Lee Gifford says that she will not be doing a Christmas special this year because ABC doesn't see the special's spiritual need. A spokesperson for ABC said, "Actually, we are not doing a Kathie Lee's Christmas special because we received a lot of complaints from Jesus".
キャシー・リー・ギフォードは、今年のクリスマス スペシャル番組をキャンセルすると発表した。ABCが、番組の宗教的意味を理解してくれないのが原因らしい。ABC関係者のコメント「今年はスペシャルを放送しません。キリストから苦情がすごくてね」

According to the New York Post, the other night 2 members of NSYNC were spotted at a New York bar licking whipped cream off several women's breasts. The odd part is that they still look gay.
ニューヨーク ポスト紙によると、インシンクのメンバー2人がニューヨークのバーで女性の胸にのせたクリームを舐めているのを目撃された。なんでかな。それでも奴らはホモに見える。